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Integrating English in your lessons

Enviado por johnjai.rincon el Mar, 21/03/2023 - 12:23

Do you want to include English in your lessons? This course takes the point of view of the professor. You will pinpoint exactly where you can start integrating English, and how you can assist students in adapting to it. Analyse strengths and possible challenges when using English as a teaching tool.

The flipped classroom

Enviado por johnjai.rincon el Mar, 21/03/2023 - 12:21

The "flipped classroom" is currently a buzzword, but it has been around for decades. In this workshop professors learn techniques for getting students to control the learning process, and gives examples where it is not appropriate. Level: B1 and above
Sublinea: Approach and method

Cambridge EMI Skills course

Enviado por johnjai.rincon el Mar, 21/03/2023 - 09:55

English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) is ubiquitous in universities around the world. Cambridge University, through RosEA, offers the most internationally recognised certificate in teaching in English at university. The course is mainly delivered online. Upon completion, you'll receive a certificate from Cambridge Assessment validating your ability to teach in English in an English-speaking university. 
Required level: C1
Subline: Linguistic Skills


Formative assessment in the classroom

Enviado por johnjai.rincon el Mar, 21/03/2023 - 09:51

Using formative assessment in the classroom provide both professors and learners with invaluable information about what they understand, and what they don’t.?
When formatives are implemented consistently, and effectively, neither professors nor learners are surprised by their final grades.
Required level: B1-B2
Subline: Approach and method

Taller Oral Skills

Enviado por johnjai.rincon el Mar, 21/03/2023 - 09:47

A focus on pronunciation and speaking ability in public presentations such as large classes (30+). While this is not a "presentations" course, it focuses specifically on your voice, accent, pronunciation, and rhythm while speaking. After this course you will have more confidence in speaking in English, and be able to hold a discussion on the radio without issues. 
Level: B1 and above
Sublinea: Linguistic Skills

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