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Curso de desarrollo profesoral en ética transversal Ciencias de la Salud

Enviado por Natalia.Preciado el Jue, 23/03/2023 - 09:03

El curso está enfocado al ámbito de la salud y utiliza el problema del cuidado como paisaje de la reflexión para comprender los deberes y derechos que se establecen en las relaciones profesional-usuario, colega-colega, profesional-instituciones. Se trata de un curso en el que se abordarán temas de ética básica, ética profesional, estrategias y pedagogías de enseñanza, así como criterios y mecanismos de evaluación ética.

Nuevo Trívium en el aula

Enviado por Natalia.Preciado el Jue, 23/03/2023 - 08:51

El curso busca que los participantes comprendan los fundamentos y las prácticas del Nuevo Trívium para desarrollar habilidades de lectura, escritura, oralidad, pensamiento crítico y aprender a aprender en el aula

N-ViVO Avanzado

Enviado por johnjai.rincon el Jue, 23/03/2023 - 08:39

Profundiza en el uso del software N-VIVO y le permite a los investigadores explorar nuevas funcionalidades en el análisis de datos cualitativos.

Conferencia internacional “Global Learning: A New Paradigm for Higher Education Internationalization in the 21st Century”

Enviado por johnjai.rincon el Jue, 23/03/2023 - 08:15

Universidad del Rosario in Bogota, Colombia, is organizer and host of the international conference: Global Learning: A New Paradigm for Higher Education Internationalization in the post Covid-19 era, which will take place over two days during the week of October 28 - 29, 2020.

Oral Skills

Enviado por johnjai.rincon el Jue, 23/03/2023 - 08:10

A focus on pronunciation and speaking ability in public presentations such as large classes (30+). While this is not a "presentations" course, it focuses specifically on your voice, accent, pronunciation, and rhythm while speaking. After this course you will have more confidence in speaking in English, and be able to hold a discussion on the radio without issues. Level: B1 and above

Cambridge EMI Skills course level B2

Enviado por johnjai.rincon el Jue, 23/03/2023 - 08:06

English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) is ubiquitous in universities around the world. Cambridge University, through RosEA, offers the most internationally recognised certificate in teaching in English at university. The course is mainly delivered online. Upon completion, you'll receive a certificate from Cambridge Assessment validating your ability to teach in English in an English-speaking university. Level B2

Creativity and Arts Tema: Teaching and learning English

Enviado por johnjai.rincon el Jue, 23/03/2023 - 08:02

When confronting processes of teaching and learning concepts, students normally use the strategy of thinking and analysing the situation placed on common settings, but have difficulties to transfer these learnings to other contexts that may widen their view of the situation at hand. This makes them stay "inside the box".

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