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Holmes, M., Otero, J. (2020).

Holmes, M., Otero, J. (2020). A tale of two coffees? Analysing interaction and futures market efficiency. Studies in Economics and Finance, (37(1)), pp.89-109, ISSN (10867376).

Gallego, G. (2018).

Gallego, G. (2018). Natural Disasters and Clientelism: The Case of Floods and Landslides in Colombia. Electoral Studies, (), pp., ISSN (02613794).

Ratanov , N. (2014).

Ratanov , N. (2014). On the asymmetric telegraph processes. Journal of Applied Probability, (2), pp.51, ISSN (0021-9002).

Otero, J., Smith, J. (2012).

Otero, J., Smith, J. (2012). Response surface models for the Leybourne unit root test and lag order dependence. Computational statistics, 27 (3), pp.473 - 486, ISSN (0943-4062).

Cremer, H., DeDonder, P., Maldonado, D., Pestieau, P. (2010).

Cremer, H., DeDonder, P., Maldonado, D., Pestieau, P. (2010). Commodity Taxation under Habit Formation and Myopia. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy , 10 (2), pp.89, ISSN (1935-1682).

Ratanov, N. (2008).

Ratanov, N. (2008). On financial markets based on telegraph processes. Stochastics: An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, 80 (3), pp.247–268, ISSN (1744-2508).

Iregui, A., Milas, C., Otero, J. (2002).

Iregui, A., Milas, C., Otero, J. (2002). On the Dynamics of Lending and Deposit Interest Rates in Emerging Markets: A non-linear approach. Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 6 (3), pp.4, ISSN (1081-1826).

 Brassiolo, P., Estrada, R., Fajardo, G., Vargas, J. (2021).

Brassiolo, P., Estrada, R., Fajardo, G., Vargas, J. (2021). Self-Selection into Corruption: Evidence from the Lab. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, (), pp.192, 799-8, ISSN (1672681).

Romero, M, M., Saavedra, S. (2020).

Romero, M, M., Saavedra, S. (2020). Communal Property Rights and Deforestation. Journal of Development Studies, (), pp., ISSN (00220388).