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Gallego, J., Martínez, J., Munger, K., Vásquez, M. (2019). 

Gallego, J., Martínez, J., Munger, K., Vásquez, M. (2019). Tweeting for peace: Experimental evidence from the 2016 Colombian Plebiscite. Electoral Studies, (62), pp.1-20, ISSN (0261-3794).

Aycinena, D., Rentschler, L. (2019).

Aycinena, D., Rentschler, L. (2019). Entry in contests with incomplete information: Theory and experiments. European Journal of Political Economy, In press(), (), pp.19, ISSN (1762680).

Desdoigts, A., Jaramillo, F. (2019).

Desdoigts, A., Jaramillo, F. (2019). Bounded learning by doing, inequality, and multi-sector growth: A middle-class perspective. Review of Economic Dynamics, In press, (), pp.1-41, ISSN (10966099).

Di Crescezo, A., Martinucci, B., Ratavov, N. (2019).

Di Crescezo, A., Martinucci, B., Ratavov, N. (2019). Piecewise deterministic processes following two alternating patterns.. Journal of Applied Probability, 56 (4), pp.1006-1019, ISSN (0219002).

García, A., Otero, J., Winkelmann, R. (2019).

García, A., Otero, J., Winkelmann, R. (2019). Predicting early career productivity of PhD economists: Does advisor-match matter?. Scientometrics, 122 (), pp.429-449, ISSN (15882861).

Flórez, J., Herrera, D. (2020).

Flórez, J., Herrera, D. (2020). Multiproduct retailing and consumer shopping behavior: The role of shopping costs.. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 68 (), pp.1-30, ISSN (1677187).