17 de Octubre, 2023
05 de Marzo, 2024
11:59 PM
The role of climate change foresight for primary and secondary raw materials supply
Investigación /Innovación
Unión Europea
Comisión Europea
5.000.000 EUR
Cambio climático en el suplemento de materias primas
The call is aimed at projects that contribute to the role of climate change forecasting for the supply of primary and secondary raw materials
The successful proposal will support the transition to a digital and low carbon society in the context of the European Green Deal with a particular emphasis on climate change and raw material value chains. In particular, it should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
Short-, medium-, and long-term scenarios of changes in the type, origin and quantity of raw materials (metals/minerals) required for the twin transition.
Geo-referenced projections for the changes to the greenhouse gas and energy footprint associated with the supply of these primary and secondary raw materials with a view to facilitating their use in integrated assessment models.
Models and data contributing to the development of the European Commission’s Raw Materials Information System[1].
Inputs to international scientific assessments such as reports by IPCC, the International Resource Panel and IPBES.
Applications must include a plan for the exploitation and dissemination of results
including communication activities, unless provided otherwise in the specific call
The call is aimed at projects that contribute to the role of climate change forecasting for the supply of primary and secondary raw materials
The successful proposal will support the transition to a digital and low carbon society in the context of the European Green Deal with a particular emphasis on climate change and raw material value chains. In particular, it should contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
Short-, medium-, and long-term scenarios of changes in the type, origin and quantity of raw materials (metals/minerals) required for the twin transition.
Geo-referenced projections for the changes to the greenhouse gas and energy footprint associated with the supply of these primary and secondary raw materials with a view to facilitating their use in integrated assessment models.
Models and data contributing to the development of the European Commission’s Raw Materials Information System[1].
Inputs to international scientific assessments such as reports by IPCC, the International Resource Panel and IPBES.
Applications must include a plan for the exploitation and dissemination of results
including communication activities, unless provided otherwise in the specific call