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MalSEIRS An epidemiologic model to predict the behavior of computer viruses

Students of the Applied Mathematics and Computer Sciences (Macc for its acronym in Spanish) program from Universidad del Rosario developed a research project on the application of epidemiologic models to understand malicious software (MalSEIRS). With this, they want to offer better solutions to face the cyberattacks companies are exposed on a daily basis.

In the “eye” of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is considered one of the most threatening chronic diseases of the 21st century. If not treated correctly, patients can suffer damage to various organs, including the eyes. A recent study by Universidad del Rosario found that the cornea, in addition to the retina, also deteriorates in cases of diabetes. In patients with Type 1 diabetes, the cornea is damaged faster than that in patients with Type 2 diabetes.
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