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Nuestra Facultad de Emprendimiento es un centro de excelencia dedicado a impulsar las habilidades emprendedoras, donde la formación va más allá de la creación de empresas. Nuestros innovadores programas académicos profesionalizan el emprendimiento y promueven la creación de nuevas industrias. Además, nutrimos la investigación en este campo, contribuyendo al avance del conocimiento. A través de nuestra extensión, impactamos positivamente en nuestro país al apoyar a emprendedores locales y regionales.


- Rector at Universidad del Rosario

He served as Dean of the School of Management before being elected Rector of Universidad del Rosario. He is currently Global Chair of the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP), being the first person from Latin American or from Colombian to hold this position in the association.

Tobacco farmers in limbo

The tobacco business should be reduced, not only in Colombia, but also in several places in the world where government is responsible for taking care of public health. However, this significantly affects the farming families who have depended on this product for generations. The exit of the tobacco giant Philip Morris International from the country is a sign of this intensifying situation, as evidenced by researchers from Universidad del Rosario.

The judges of lands: a vital, urgent and hardly recognized job

The land restitution judges, just as the civil judges, involved in proceedings for the formalization of rural property rights are the key figures for implementing public policies aimed at solving one of the central causes of internal conflicts in Colombia. However, labor instability, the gridlock at court offices, the clash of regulations and concepts, among other factors, affect their work. We present the first findings of the Lands Observatory.

Ecuador: from an invisible state to an influential country in the region

The neighboring country is the perfect example of how nations can be reestablished and what this implies on internal and external levels. By analyzing this case, Professor Mauricio Jaramillo Jassir, from the Faculty of International, Political, and Urban Studies, explains the likelihood of such transformations with the conjunction of different facts.

Informal work and pandemic: from bad to worse

The crisis uncovered the insecurities, which today are “ultra-insecurities,” of informal labor and workers. The latter account for the vast majority of the working population in Colombia, and in spite of such condition, they are not protected by adequate public policies. On the contrary, they are usually oppressed. The research of an international interdisciplinary group took the country as a study case to evidence a situation affecting the whole planet.
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