Outreach and Alumni Office
We strengthen the University’s relationships with external partners to contribute to social change in the country and its surroundings by promoting knowledge exchange, fostering cooperation and maintaining ongoing interactions that integrate the university with society.

Dialogue Center
We are a place where people come together to discuss and study important issues on Colombia’s public and private agenda. We encourage discussion between academics, entrepreneurs, national and international experts, public officials, and social leaders.
- El Estado de la Nación
- Conferencia Académica Anual
- Ruta País
- Foros de Coyuntura
- TEDx U del Rosario
- Diálogos del Mundo
- Diálogos sobre las reformas
- Foros de análisis políticos
- Mediciones periódicas, publicaciones y Misiones académicas
Tenemos diversos formatos que se adaptan a las comunidades y a las temáticas. Más información
Social Projection
We promote social culture in the Rosarista community in response to its surrounding community’s need for transformation through actions related to teaching, research, and outreach.
- Social Project Management
- Learning trajectory in social projects
- Faculty development courses in social projection
- Unesco Chairs
- Extension Fund FEX
- ‘José María del Castillo y Rada’ Biennial Extension Prize

We lead the university’s sustainability strategy aimed at helping our Rosarista community move towards sustainable lifestyles through experiential learning. In doing so, we contribute to the country’s achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the advancement of the 2030 agenda.
- Sustainable Country Route Project
- Integration of socio-environmental ventures into daily life and campus surroundings
- Dream To Be Sustainable Scholarship
- Annual SDG Report
- UI Green Metric Measurement and Management
We work toward creating mutually beneficial relationships with our Rosarista graduates, where there is an active connection between their Alma Mater and professional lives.
- Social network for graduates ‘UR Alumni’
- Job bank, ‘ElEmpleo.com’
- Virtual passport and Office 365
- UR Mentoring Plan
- National agreements and partnerships
- Institutional opportunities for participation: councils, projects, consultancies, etc.
- Regional and international chapters
- Meeting and networking opportunities
- Dream To Be scholarship
- UR Services: gym, CRAI, opportunities, E-aulas
- Entrepreneurial Services: incubation and acceleration

We work towards creating shared value that contributes towards academic and social improvement through mutually beneficial relationships between different sectors of the economy and academia.
- Dream To Be scholarship fund
- Institutional events
- Research projects
- Infrastructure legacy
- Heritage conservation
- UR LABS 370
Employability and Labor Market Insertion
Facilitating the professional success of students and graduates, promoting their employability and their successful transition to the job market through skill development, connections with employers, and access to work placement and job opportunities.
- In-person job fair
- Online graduate job fair
- Work placement and internship offerings on UR JOBS.
- Networking week for graduates
- Workshops and talks on employability
- Resume course and resume advice sessions
- ‘My first job’ program

Contact us

Ángela Gómez Andrade
Director of Philanthropy

Yessenia Katherin López Rodríguez
Administrative Professional, Philanthropy

María Alejandra Carreño
Program and Graduate Services Coordinator
maria.carreno@urosario.edu.co / direccion.egresados@urosario.edu.co

Jenny Andrea Díaz
Sustainability Coordinator

Lynn Catalina Gómez
Employability and Labor Market Insertion Coordinator

Mayerly Oviedo Cuvidez
Entity Management Assistant, Employability and Labor Market Insertion

María Angélica Cerquera
Academic Management Assistant, Employability and Labor Market Insertion

Franssy Romero Ballen
Academic Management Assistant, Employability and Labor Market Insertion

In-person Support
Sede Claustro: Calle 12C #8-40, piso 7
Sede GSB: Transversal 23 #93-23, piso 1