“Bodies, places of peace” The language of movement and emotions as a conflicttransforming focal point
Universidad del Rosario is committed to a pedagogical laboratory to construct peace based on somatic education: the body as a vehicle for learning.
The body: A system in which thought and emotions converge
Two of the studies published in Educación para la vida (2022), by the Universidad del Rosario, propose redefining the bodymind relationship to provide a more comprehensive training and approach to health for young students
Israel Cruz Velandia (1965 – 2022) A Visionary in Physiotherapy
Within the classrooms of Universidad del Rosario, the echo of what Professor Cruz Velandia has taught us still resonates. He passed away early but left a robust legacy to physiotherapy, academia and, above all, his students. He taught them to persevere, question themselves on the realities of their patients, think with their whole bodies, and view their profession from a holistic and humanistic perspectives.
Tracing the tracks of “El hambre de los otros”
This is a story of public policies against hunger in Latin America and of food as a research matter.
The right to memory
Close to the sixth anniversary of the signature of the Peace Agreement with the FARC, the creation of the Museum of Memory in Colombia is still pending. Such establishment has been at the heart of political disputes and triggered a series of setbacks causing discomfort among the victims, according to an investigative analysis by Universidad del Rosario.