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Social stability, key in animal cooperation

Coexistence between animals that live in groups is usually affected by natural disturbances and also by human activity, according to a study by the Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior, in which Professor Adriana Maldonado Chaparro, from the Department of Biology at Universidad del Rosario, participates. This can affect some fundamental processes, such as reproduction, that, in the case of certain species, requires the contribution of each member of the group.

Legal mining also contributes to deforestation

The effects of illegal mining on the environment are a concern at a national level. However, little is known about how legal mining in the country contributes to deforestation and substantially so: In the country, between 150 and 200 legal mining concessions result in the deforestation of more than 400 hectares of forest each, the equivalent of 500 soccer fields. This number was given in a study on the impact of mining on deforestation in Colombia, carried out by Professors Benjamín Quesada and Nicola Clerici and young researcher Andrés González.

Fungui: the engineers of the wood

Seen as the ugly duckling except for few species that conquered gastronomy fungi have a fascinating history to tell: they are in charge of building and shaping a forest because they have an interdependent relationship with plants. Researchers from Universidad del Rosario jointly with international colleagues found a fungus species with two subspecies. This is their story.

Women in the military forces: between stereotypes and unresolved questions

The country is barely making any progress in women’s leadership in the Military Forces. Two researchers from Universidad del Rosario perform a study to understand what motivates women to join the forces and the impact their joining has on a traditional and patriarchal institution. Academics are part of WomanStats, an international project to collect data on the status of women.

More high impact science

Sergio Andrés Pulgarín Molina, el nuevo vicerrector de la Universidad del Rosario, asume el reto convencido de que las apuestas institucionales solo se pueden cumplir fortaleciendo el trabajo colaborativo de los grupos de investigación y privilegiando la centralidad en el individuo.
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