Auxiliar Administrativa

Pillars of Scientific Integrity at UR
Institutional evaluation of research practices: The aim is to document the types of scientific conduct of researchers at Universidad del Rosario. This step will allow us to recognize the aspects to be improved and will guide the education process in the short and medium term.
Activities carried out by the Research Ethics Committee (CEI) at Universidad del Rosario: The activities carried out in the Ethics Committee allow research works submitted for their consideration to be analyzed and discussed by a multidisciplinary group. The main objective is to detect the potential risks to which the research subjects or the research team may be exposed. The endorsement by the Ethics Committee serves as the approval of this analysis, ensuring that the research project has support and follow-up during its execution.
Training in Scientific Integrity: The university's doctoral students, as well as some master's students, have the possibility of receiving the Chair of Scientific Integrity. This space aims to analyze student research proposals in terms of ethical considerations, informed consent, research with human subjects in social sciences and life sciences, use of personal data in research, intellectual property, and ethics of publications.
Generation of guidelines: The analysis of research practices, reflections from the research ethics committee, and the cases reviewed in the Chair of Scientific Integrity provide input for the ongoing questioning and formulation of guidelines on scientific integrity. Through this activity, we aim to consolidate the efforts of students and researchers into practical and updated recommendations for good practices.

Research Ethics Committee
The Research Ethics Committee is an independent, plural, and multidisciplinary body, whose responsibility is to ensure compliance with the ethical aspects of the research carried out in the different academic units of the institution.

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The following can be contacted to respond to your requests:
Research Ethics Committee Universidad del Rosario:
Scientific Integrity System Universidad del Rosario:
Martha Isabel Bautista Dueñas
Dra. Alix Rocio Barrios Méndez
Coordinadora Integridad Científica y Secretaria Técnica CEI