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The Economics of Informality Conference - 2020
The Economics of Informality Conference - 2020


Conference: October 20th -23rd, 2020

Call for papers: Deadline august 15th, 2020

Conference is free


Remote access

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Fernando Jaramillo



Mariano Bosch

Lead Specialist at the Labor Markets and Social Security Unit of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB)
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Mariano Bosch

Pascaline Dupas

Associate professor in economics at Stanford University
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Pascaline Dupas

Costas Meghir

Professor of Economics at the Yale University
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Costas Meghir

The School of Economics at Universidad del Rosario, Alianza EFI (Formal and Inclusive Economy) and the Network of Economic Research at the Colombian Central Bank (Red Investigadores de Economia) invite you to participate in The Economics of Informality Conference 2020. This year´s event will link the III Annual Network of Economic Research and the second version of the Economics of Informality Conference at Universidad del Rosario.

The subject of informality extends to all social science research in developing countries. For this reason, in order to improve research in the fields of economics and social sciences it is essential to understand the interconnection between informality, economics and institutions.This Conference aims to bring together scholars, experts, young researchers, practitioners and policy makers to present their work and exchange knowledge, share their research and debate main issues about the informal economy.

It will take place during 4 days and the following academic activities will be carried out

  • 3 main conferences with international speakers, among the most prominent academics in the field of informality worldwide.
  • 2 Roundtables between public policy makers (Colombian National Planning department, IDB, World Bank, National Central Bank ) and academics.
  • 13 Contributed sessions in which 39 Authors from several well-known institutions will share and discuss their scientific papers on the topic of informality.



La Universidad del Rosario se encuentra en el centro histórico de la ciudad de Bogotá. Bogotá, la capital de Colombia, es una ciudad moderna con raíces históricas que datan del siglo XVI. Se encuentra a 2.600 metros sobre el nivel del mar y ofrece un clima templado durante todo el año. Su maravillosa combinación de raíces coloniales y modernas tendencias cosmopolitas destaca la rica oferta cultural de Bogotá, con docenas de museos, excelentes restaurantes y una animada vida nocturna.

También puede encontrar información adicional sobre el turismo en Bogotá aquí y aquí.


Universidad del Rosario - Facultad de Economía - Logo
Banco de la República - Logo
Red de investigadores de economía - Logo
Colombia científica - Alianza EFI - Logo