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12 de October, 2022
12 de November, 2022
Hora de Cierre:
11:59 PM AI for the Global Goals



Área de Conocimiento



Estados Unidos

Ente financiador


Monto a subvencionar

2000000 Moneda: USD

Área/Tema (específico)

Artificial Intelligence

Mayores informes

The AI for the Global Goals Call for Applications is a call to find organizations around the world that are using artificial intelligence (AI) to create new, innovative solutions to existing problems and to make progress against the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Call for Applications is open to any not-for-profit charity, other not-for-profit organization, public or private academic or research institution, or for-profit social enterprise company with a project that has an explicit charitable purpose. Your organization must have a registered office in your country of residence.
We expect the funding to be spent over the course of 12 to 36 months.

The AI for the Global Goals Call for Applications is a call to find organizations around the world that are using artificial intelligence (AI) to create new, innovative solutions to existing problems and to make progress against the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Call for Applications is open to any not-for-profit charity, other not-for-profit organization, public or private academic or research institution, or for-profit social enterprise company with a project that has an explicit charitable purpose. Your organization must have a registered office in your country of residence.
We expect the funding to be spent over the course of 12 to 36 months.