04 de December, 2024
10 de December, 2024
11:59 PM
December 10th, 2024
11:59 p.m. Colombian time
University of South Eastern Norway
Estudiantes de pregrado
Estudios de maestría
UR Internacional and UR Intercultural invite members of the academic community at Universidad del Rosario to apply for a fully-funded scholarship to pursue a Master’s in Human Rights and Multiculturalism at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN).
Scholarship Coverage:
✓ Program tuition waiver.
✓ Pay for the visa fees (NOK 5.400).
✓ Order roundtrip plane tickets (max. NOK 30.000 according to budget for the full project period/duration of master’s programme).
✓ Arrange for living costs (NOK 159.000 per year - each academic year consists of 11 months).
✓ Assist in arranging accommodation.
Important Information:
✓ Applicants must provide a certificate proving their membership in an indigenous or Afro-Colombian community. ✓ If selected, stutendets are expected to start their studies in August 1st, 2025. ✓ The Master’s program has a duration of two years. ✓ About the selection process: The selected candidate will be chosen through a rigorous process overseen by the International Scholarship Committee, which is composed of representatives from the Vicepresidency for International Affairs (Cancillería), the Office of Academic Affairs (Dirección Académica), and the Office of Student Success and Retention (Dirección de Éxito y Permanencia Estudiantil).
Intender for:
Members of the academic community belonging to:
- Indigenous peoples and communities
- Afro-Colombian, Raizal and Palenquero communities
✓ Scholarship recipients must be between 20-30 years old, citizens of and residing in a partner country.
✓ Applicants must not hold a previous Master's degree and must meet a minimum certified English proficiency of B2.
✓ It is expected that the student will return to their home country after completing their education.
❖ Application steps: Submit the following documents before the deadline to cooperacion@urosario.edu.co with the subject line: “Application for NORSTIP Scholarship – [Full Name]”:
✓ Updated resume (CV) in Spanish (max. 1 page).
✓ Motivation letter in Spanish detailing the following information (max. 2 pages):
- Impact of the experience on your academic/professional trajectory
- Contribution to the institution and the country after your return
- Impact of the experience on your personal journey
✓ Official transcript indicating cumulative GPA, minimum 4.0. This can be obtained through SIAR, with an approximate cost of $17,000. The official transcript must be translated into English by a certified translator.
✓ Language certification (min B2) - Approved certifications can be found here: English requirements for programmes taught in English - Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
✓ Copy of passport.
✓ Certification of ethnic community membership.
Key Dates:
✓ Application deadline: December 10th, 2024.
✓ Program start date: August 1st, 2025
About the Master’s Program:
This interdisciplinary program explores various interpretations of human rights and how they are understood within the context of cultural diversity.
For more information about the program: https://www.usn.no/english/academics/find-programmes/master-in-human-rights-and-multiculturalism/
UR Internacional and UR Intercultural invite members of the academic community at Universidad del Rosario to apply for a fully-funded scholarship to pursue a Master’s in Human Rights and Multiculturalism at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN).
Scholarship Coverage:
✓ Program tuition waiver.
✓ Pay for the visa fees (NOK 5.400).
✓ Order roundtrip plane tickets (max. NOK 30.000 according to budget for the full project period/duration of master’s programme).
✓ Arrange for living costs (NOK 159.000 per year - each academic year consists of 11 months).
✓ Assist in arranging accommodation.
Important Information:
✓ Applicants must provide a certificate proving their membership in an indigenous or Afro-Colombian community. ✓ If selected, stutendets are expected to start their studies in August 1st, 2025. ✓ The Master’s program has a duration of two years. ✓ About the selection process: The selected candidate will be chosen through a rigorous process overseen by the International Scholarship Committee, which is composed of representatives from the Vicepresidency for International Affairs (Cancillería), the Office of Academic Affairs (Dirección Académica), and the Office of Student Success and Retention (Dirección de Éxito y Permanencia Estudiantil).
Intender for:
Members of the academic community belonging to:
- Indigenous peoples and communities
- Afro-Colombian, Raizal and Palenquero communities
✓ Scholarship recipients must be between 20-30 years old, citizens of and residing in a partner country.
✓ Applicants must not hold a previous Master's degree and must meet a minimum certified English proficiency of B2.
✓ It is expected that the student will return to their home country after completing their education.
❖ Application steps: Submit the following documents before the deadline to cooperacion@urosario.edu.co with the subject line: “Application for NORSTIP Scholarship – [Full Name]”:
✓ Updated resume (CV) in Spanish (max. 1 page).
✓ Motivation letter in Spanish detailing the following information (max. 2 pages):
- Impact of the experience on your academic/professional trajectory
- Contribution to the institution and the country after your return
- Impact of the experience on your personal journey
✓ Official transcript indicating cumulative GPA, minimum 4.0. This can be obtained through SIAR, with an approximate cost of $17,000. The official transcript must be translated into English by a certified translator.
✓ Language certification (min B2) - Approved certifications can be found here: English requirements for programmes taught in English - Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
✓ Copy of passport.
✓ Certification of ethnic community membership.
Key Dates:
✓ Application deadline: December 10th, 2024.
✓ Program start date: August 1st, 2025
About the Master’s Program:
This interdisciplinary program explores various interpretations of human rights and how they are understood within the context of cultural diversity.
For more information about the program: https://www.usn.no/english/academics/find-programmes/master-in-human-rights-and-multiculturalism/