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Project Development Winter School

In this academic space we seek to understand the development of business activity in the projection of the economy of a country, as well as, the activities represented with financial resources or Investment Projects, which must be structured, evaluated and adequately attended, establishing the highest productivity of the country and the limited resources that are involved in each process. For this subject, it is fundamental to understand how the identification and definition of the specific characteristics in each stages of the project must be articulated in such a way that it includes the definition of procedures and indicators that allow the investor to take opportune and precise decisions on the viability and convenience of carrying out the project to reach the objectives established in its implementation and development, in risk and competitiveness scenarios with social responsibility and commitment with the community.

The students must identify and propose solutions and alternatives and innovate in the functioning of the business activity through the development of Investment Projects, defining the different stages of the elaboration, evaluation and direction, as well as the appropriate tools for structuring, interpretation and analysis of the performance indicators of the resources assigned in the activity. This will allow the investor to make precise decisions for the achievement of the objectives defined for the implementation, development and operation of the activity. This course culminates in the development of critical communication skills, quantitative analytical thinking and axiological development of leadership.

This will be an adaptive project management course within the framework of industry and real organizational economics in a context of exposing the application of adapted and applied world-scale methodologies.


Summer School - UR Internacional - jurisprudencia


To provide a conceptual analysis of the regulations, advantages and disadvantages of the political, social, economic and commercial environment for project development, comparing the objectives defined in the implementation and its effectiveness for decision making (Advanced General Critical Communicative Competence), and to provide the participant with a real context of knowledge implementation through project management tools applied to different sectors of the economy and industry in a context of world-scale methodologies.

- To discuss market research to define the demand over time, evaluating the competition and the conditions presented and articulating the quantitative learnings for decision making and problem solving (General competition advanced quantitative analytical thinking)
- To review different investment projects at all stages taking into account macroeconomic models to establish the investment needed in the process of implementation and development. (General economic advanced competition)
- To provide spaces through corporate outlets to lead in an ethical and responsible way, necessary conditions for the operation of projects with environmental protection, social responsibility and the demands of the environment, from innovation generating sustainable competitive advantages (General competence advanced axiological leadership and innovation)

At the end of the development process contemplated in this course, the student will be able to:

- Analyze the market research of the inputs required for the project development, defining the conditions of acquisition, comparing the quality and the conditions of opportunity required, for the decision making (General competence advanced critical communication)
- Develop market research to quantify and define the demand, evaluating the market conditions for project development (General competition advanced quantitative analytical thinking)
- Identify the process of structuring, preparation and evaluation of investment projects, and the management and direction characteristics in their implementation, development and operation phases, taking into account macroeconomic models (Advanced General Economic Competition)
- Leading investment projects with innovation and product development that generate sustainable competitive advantages (advanced general competence axiological leadership and innovation)
- Sensitize the participant of their talent to the opportunity of a professional exercise in Project Management in the different roles of those involved.
- Visualize the Roles of the Project Manager in the context of the Colombian economy and industry in the exercise of their management.
- Develop skills and abilities for the implementation of project management tools applied to investment project management departments in the organization.


It will be a remote course with the knowledge and experience to give students an approach with the necessary theory and practical exercises to plan and develop projects. Students will have a theoretical-practical space where they will share with a national professor and an international professor, both experts on this subject, achieving different perspectives on project management at the national and international level.

Program Benefits

Project Management is fundamental in companies because it helps them to have a strategic alignment, it ensures what is being delivered, is right, and will deliver real value against the business opportunity. It gives a clear focus and objectives to the companies because it ensures there’s a proper plan for executing on strategic goals.



Dr. Rashid Maqbool


Juan Jaime Gamboa Chipatecua


Dates: November 29 to December 7, 2021
Schedule: Monday to Saturday of 8:30 am a 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm a 4:30 pm

Venue: Remote Classes
Intensity: 48 hours
Credits: 3 credits Project Development

Tipo (workshop or course): Course
Lenguage: English B1 and Spanish B1
Faculty or School: School of Management
Fees: $1.700.000 COP – 472 USD (approx.)

UR Community: 10%
International Community: 10%
Remote Classes: 10%
Early bird discount: 10% (until Nov 14, 2021)


Organizing committee

Giovanni Reyes:
Ph.D. in Development Economics and International Relations from the University of Pittsburgh, with postgraduate certificates from the Universities of Pennsylvania and Harvard in the United States; and the School of Higher Commercial Studies in Paris, France (HEC). His doctoral thesis had main contributions from Dr. Herbert A. Simon, 1978 Nobel Prize in Economics. Dr. Reyes has been a Fulbright and World Bank Scholar, Director of the Latin American Economic System and representative to the International Coffee Organization based in London; he has worked for the United Nations / New York, UNDP, UNICEF, and the Vienna International Center, in Austria. He has been Coordinator of the Human Development Report of the United Nations in Venezuela, and researcher at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands; He is a Tenure, Full Professor at the School of Management of the Universidad del Rosario in Colombia, where he has been Director of the Doctoral Program, Director of Masters – Postgraduate Programs and is currently the Academic Director of Undergraduate degrees. Senior Research, with 84 scientific articles recognized by Minciencias as of March 2021. In December 2020, he won the Literati Award from Emerald Publish. Co./HBS, Harvard Business School, Harvard University.

Study of the project environment
Horario: 8:45a.m. a 12:00p.m. y 1:00p.m. a 4:15p.m.
Intensidad: 3 hours
Session 1

It entails the strategic planning of the numerous factors as;
- operational,
- physical,
- ecological,
- social,
- cultural,
- economic,
- psychological,
- financial,
- and organizational, etc.

Conferencista : Rashid Maqbool