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Pregrado en Finanzas y Comercio Internacional
Pregrado en Finanzas y Comercio Internacional


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Degree in Finance

Degree in Finance

In our Finance program, you will gain an understanding of the complexity of financial markets and financial decision-making in the business world. The expertise you will acquire will be supported by complementary disciplines such as economics, mathematics, statistics, and econometrics. You will learn how technological innovations positively influence the financial industry, enable the creation of new products, and change cost structures.

Our goal is to train you as a financial analyst capable of making decisions in uncertain contexts. You will be able to recognize the importance of technological and financial innovations, the consequences of the deregulation of financial markets and institutions, and the emergence of new business and financial products.

High-Quality Accreditation from the National Accreditation Council (CNA as per its Spanish acronym) of the Ministry of National Education :  Res. 16100 of August 4, 2016, for 8 years.


Find out how to apply for CFA Scholarships here

Program information.  

  • SNIES Code: 116479
  • Tuition fees per semester:  $ 18.112.000 COP
  • 136 academic credits
  • Program name:  Undergraduate degree in Finance
  • Type of education:  University
  • Education level: Undergraduate
  • Program mode:  In-person attendance
  • Qualification awarded:  Professional Degree in Finance
  • Program location:   Universidad del Rosario campuses in the city of Bogotá, primarily in the Claustro Campus, located in the city center
  • Periodicity of admission:  Each semester
  • Resolution number with effective term:  23799 of December 7, 2023, effective for 8 years.
  • High-quality accreditation: 16100 of August 4, 2016, effective for 8 years.
  • Duration: 8 semesters

* Value subject to increase from October 31, 2024



Degree in Finance?


The Finance course focuses on three main areas: corporate finance; capital markets; and computational mathematics, quantitative mathematics, and economics. Students will have the opportunity to study minors in investing, economics, economic policy, public policy, behavioral economics and finance, fintech, actuarial science, data science, and experience marketing.

Students in this program will have the option to continue their studies with a Master's in Quantitative Finance, Economics, Public Policy Economics, and Complex Project Structuring within the School of Economics, through the coterminal degree track option. They may also apply for this option with other master's degrees offered by different faculties at the university.

  Discover the curriculum by semester!

See the program's curriculum guidelines



To graduate, the student can choose one of the following options:

Final project


Study of an applied or research problem.



Creation of a business model for a business or social initiative. This route is done in conjunction with the Entrepreneurship Center of the Universidad del Rosario.



Exposure to the world of work through an internship in a national or international public or private institution.



Take and pass a set of subjects offered by the master's programs of the Universidad del Rosario.



Habilidades matemáticas

Cursos de matemáticas, de programación estadística y análisis de datos y manejo de plataformas de información financiera como Bloomberg, que te permitirán aprender practicando y acercarte al ejercicio práctico de tu profesión. A través de la construcción de modelos podrás proyectar, estimar y anticipar el comportamiento de las variables y tomar mejores decisiones de inversión.

Teoría económica

Cursos de teoría económica (de micro y macroeconomía) para comprender el comportamiento de las variables económicas que impactan el entorno y condicionan las decisiones financieras que toma un individuo o una empresa e influyen la dinámica del comercio internacional.

Profundización en finanzas

La profundización en finanzas está orientada al entendimiento del mercado bursátil (sector financiero secundario) para tomar decisiones de inversión altamente rentables y diversas para mitigar el riesgo y la volatilidad de los mercados.



Profundización en finanzas

La profundización en finanzas está orientada al entendimiento del mercado bursátil (sector financiero secundario) para tomar decisiones de inversión altamente rentables y diversas para mitigar el riesgo y la volatilidad de los mercados.

Profundización en comercio:

La profundización en comercio internacional, orientada al diseño de estrategias de inmersión de las empresas en el mercado mundial, para comprender el sistema legal que rige y regula las relaciones comerciales y de integración entre países o regiones en el mundo, para entender como el comercio internacional afecta el crecimiento económico, la organización internacional de la producción (multinacionales, IED horizontal y especialización vertical), los mercado laborales domésticos y la distribución del ingreso, la eficiencia en la asignación de recursos y las economías con restricciones crediticias.

Profundización en actuaría

La profundización en actuarial tiene como propósito aprender a evaluar la probabilidad de ocurrencia de eventos futuros haciendo uso del modelamiento matemático y estadístico, de tal forma que se diseñen estrategias creativas para mitigar la existencia de eventos o de impactos indeseables de esos eventos que puedan ocurrir. Un área importante de aplicación de la ciencia actuarial es las finanzas.


All professors in the School of Economics, which the Finance and International Trade programs are part of, will support you throughout your educational journey, as your guides and tutors. They are part of a strong international network, as members of academic groups. In addition, they have publications and research experience abroad.

Thirty-one percent of our teachers are from abroad, including from Germany, Argentina, Ecuador, Spain, Guatemala, Turkey, and Peru. All full-time professors in the School hold a PhD, and teaching professors have either a master's degree or a PhD, along with industry experience, ensuring a high-quality and high-level education.

Meet our team

Prospective student


Applicants interested in the Finance program should have a strong interest in understanding the workings of the financial system and how money can be used as a resource to generate wealth, in an environment influenced by technological innovations and constant uncertainty and risk. They should be creative in designing investment strategies that generate profitability. They should possess skills in mathematics and data management, which will enable them to rigorously quantify, analyze, project, and understand economic and financial phenomena and their impact on the growth of a country and the business sector.




Graduates of the Professional Degree in Finance course at the Universidad del Rosario are well-rounded professionals, with a solid background in ethical principles, critical thinking, theoretical knowledge and quantitative methods. They are able to evaluate, propose, and recommend financial investment strategies to individuals and organizations operating locally, regionally and globally, taking into account the level of risk and uncertainty present in the economic, social, and political environment. They will go on to work transparently and with social responsibility in both the public and private sectors, in national or international institutions.




We train professionals with solid technical, quantitative and analytical thinking skills to perform reliably in the different segments of the financial industry (financial planning, auditing, trading, risk management, market research, product structuring, investment banking, fintech, portfolio and investment management, financial advice, among others). The Finance Professional has the skills to adapt their skills to technological and industry changes. You can lead and work in teams of financial analysts that work in firms in the financial sector, companies in the real sector, consulting firms, public and private entities, companies with extensive experience and start-ups.

The Finance Professional can assume these positions:

  • Financial analyst
  • Risk analyst
  • Portfolio and investment manager
  • Stockbroker
  • financial auditor
  • financial director
  • head of economic studies
  • business designer
  • Researcher
  • Teacher
  • Consultant


Learning Spaces

Contamos con un excelente Laboratorio en Finanzas en el que se desarrollan varias de las clases del pregrado y es escenario de encuentros extra curriculares liderados por los estudiantes del Rosario Investment Club – RIC.

Rosario Experimental and Behavior Econonomics Lab

Aprenderás a usar ambientes simulados para el análisis económico a través de experimentos controlados en los que estudiarás cómo los individuos responden a incentivos y cómo toman decisiones en diferentes contextos.

Finance Lab

Tendrás acceso a la plataforma de información más importante en el mundo financiero: Bloomberg. En ella encontrarás datos en tiempo real sobre noticias e información financiera que ayudan a tomar decisiones inteligentes, rápidas y veraces.

El laboratorio está situado en la sede Claustro, CRAI piso mezanine.

Space for Learning and Innovation (EPA! as per its Spanish acronym)

Estrategia que contribuye a desarrollar un pensamiento creativo y abordar de manera innovadora problemas reales de la profesión.

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics Support Group

Son encuentros entre los estudiantes, profesores, monitores que incentivan el aprendizaje colaborativo y la solidaridad al compartir el conocimiento.

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