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Knowledge Transfer Program

We connect the research generated at the University with the demands of the social and productive sectors, seeking to provide solutions to real problems in society and the market, improving the quality of life for people.

What do we do?

The Knowledge Transfer Program accompanies academic units and professors interested in connecting their ideas, capabilities, or research results to build knowledge with non-academic actors (companies, communities, government entities, among others).

Transfer Mechanisms



Transfer of Research Results and their respective Intellectual Property to a third party other than the University (public or private), in order to use and/or exploit them commercially:

- Licensing.

- Assignment of Rights.



Research on Demand

Survey and channeling of demands from different actors in the socio-productive sector (public or private), based on existing research capabilities within the University that require R&D activities:

- Research contracts on request.

- Research collaboration contracts.

Research on Demand


Science-Based Entrepreneurship

Formation of a venture in which at least one member of the university community participates to commercially exploit the Research Results generated within the University and their respective Intellectual Property.

Science-Based Entrepreneurship


Public Access to Knowledge

Design and execution of a communication strategy to make available/disseminate Research Results to stakeholders:

- Making them known to the general public.

- Dissemination of Research Results of public relevance.

- Making research results available for use and appropriation.

Public Access to Knowledge

Ruta de Acompañamiento


We accompany and strengthen capacities for the effective implementation of transfer channels for the social appropriation of knowledge in the University environment:

Recognition of research results, projects, and capacities that are suitable for the transfer, use, appropriation, or circulation of knowledge.

Initial approach to the project, research results, capabilities. This diagnosis documents key points to understand the dynamics of the relationship with the environment.

Construction of the implementation strategy for the transfer, use, appropriation, or circulation of knowledge. The roadmap, at a minimum, includes:

  • A validation, packaging, acceleration, scaling, or dissemination strategy.
  • A protection strategy. 
  •  An articulation strategy with relevant external and internal actors. 

The implementation, a joint responsibility involving the Transfer Program, academic units, professors, researchers, and individuals with scientific talent, begins with activities aimed at achieving short-term objectives. Once these objectives have been met, the results are jointly evaluated, and the diagnosis is complemented according to the state of progress in each of the items. 

The implementation of the roadmap involves a continuous process of relationship with non-academic actors, which allows validating, jointly building, and strengthening research. 

The implementation of the roadmap also involves continuous monitoring and evaluation, in which the Transfer Program, academic units, researchers, professors, and individuals with scientific talent determine the state of progress in each of the components of the strategy.

Connecting Experiences


Ergonovus - Juan Alberto Castillo

This is a service oriented to the prediction and prevention of occupational diseases or injuries associated with musculoskeletal disorders.

Ergonovus - Juan Alberto Castillo


Election Party – Danny Ramírez/ Ana Beatriz Franco

A game that enables learning about the development of electoral campaigns in democratic systems. By simulating campaigns...

Election Party – Danny Ramírez/ Ana Beatriz Franco


Competitive Panorama – Hugo Rivera

A consulting service through a computational tool that allows identifying and quantifying the strategic potential based...

Competitive Panorama – Hugo Rivera


Public Health App – Yenny Barreto/ Pedro Aya

The offline application is an initiative that aims to provide information on preventive measures, record data, and resolve doubts about issues related...

Public Health App – Yenny Barreto/ Pedro Aya


Super Bee – André Riveros

A supplementation technology for bees that protects against cognitive impairment induced by imidacloprid, fipronil, sulfoxaflor...

Super Bee – André Riveros


Inclusión Laboral – Merlin Grueso/ Mónica López

Supporting companies through technological solutions, initially enabling the understanding and identification of the level of preparedness...

Labor Inclusion - Merlin Grueso/ Mónica López


Mundo Esmeralda (Emerald World) - Economic and social studies in Boyacá

A transmedia product that strengthens the process of heritage recognition and visibility of the emerald mining guild in Colombia...

Mundo Esmeralda (Emerald World) - Economic and social studies in Boyacá


PIM PEM – Óscar Perdomo / Olga Vargas/ Hernán Bernal

A medical device for conducting tests of maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressure (PIM, PEM). Accompanied by an open-source software that allows...

PIM PEM – Óscar Perdomo / Olga Vargas/ Hernán Bernal

Intellectual Property Policy

This is a tool for the Rosarista community which establishes criteria for the use of intellectual property and facilitates institutional relationship strategies. It recognizes principles such as open science, respect for creation, scientific integrity, and the substantial functions of the University.

Degree Work/Thesis:

Students own the patrimonial copyright to their theses unless they result from significant use of university resources.


Patrimonial copyrights for classes and lectures given by professors shall be owned by the professors.

Works created as part of a research project:

When the student takes part in the creation of works protectable by copyright, the terms and conditions of the ownership of rights must be specified from the outset.

Exception to Copyright:

Students, teachers, professors, researchers, and administrative staff may make use of works protected by copyright, without prior authorization from their owners, for ACADEMIC and RESEARCH use.

Para esta y más información, consultar información aquí

Open Science

“This involves the transformation of the scientific process to make it more open and inclusive to all relevant stakeholders within and outside the scientific community”

If you wish to receive advice from CATI Institutional UR, please contact us by email:

Cati Services

These are the Technology and Innovation Support Centers that provide specialized guidance services in industrial property and technological information. They are part of a program led by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

  • They provide guidance on:
  • The type of protection of any invention.
  • They provide guidance on registration processes for trademarks, slogans, and distinctive signs.
  • Industrial property requests.
  • Industrial property rules, procedures, and formalities.
  • Patent and trademark search tools. Industrial property applications.
  • Searching and obtaining information on technology.
  • Incentives, aids, or funding for the filing of patent and trademark applications.

If you wish to receive advice from CATI Institutional UR, please contact us by email:

direccion.investigació o

Intellectual Property Policy

This is a tool for the Rosarista community which establishes criteria for the use of intellectual property and facilitates institutional relationship strategies. It recognizes principles such as open science, respect for creation, scientific integrity, and the substantial functions of the University.

Degree Work/Thesis:

Students own the patrimonial copyright to their theses unless they result from significant use of university resources.


Patrimonial copyrights for classes and lectures given by professors shall be owned by the professors.

Works created as part of a research project:

When the student takes part in the creation of works protectable by copyright, the terms and conditions of the ownership of rights must be specified from the outset.

Exception to Copyright:

Students, teachers, professors, researchers, and administrative staff may make use of works protected by copyright, without prior authorization from their owners, for ACADEMIC and RESEARCH use.

Para esta y más información, consultar información aquí

Open Science

“This involves the transformation of the scientific process to make it more open and inclusive to all relevant stakeholders within and outside the scientific community”

If you wish to receive advice from CATI Institutional UR, please contact us by email:

Cati Services

These are the Technology and Innovation Support Centers that provide specialized guidance services in industrial property and technological information. They are part of a program led by the Superintendence of Industry and Commerce (SIC) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO).

  • They provide guidance on:
  • The type of protection of any invention.
  • They provide guidance on registration processes for trademarks, slogans, and distinctive signs.
  • Industrial property requests.
  • Industrial property rules, procedures, and formalities.
  • Patent and trademark search tools. Industrial property applications.
  • Searching and obtaining information on technology.
  • Incentives, aids, or funding for the filing of patent and trademark applications.

If you wish to receive advice from CATI Institutional UR, please contact us by email:

direccion.investigació o

Knowledge Transfer

Catalina María Robles Quintan

Gestora de Transferencia de Conocimiento

Tel. 2970200 Ext. 3289

Laura Constanza Rojas Pinilla

Profesional de Transferencia de Conocimiento

Tel. 2970200 Ext. 3297