Let’s work together
Togetherwe can build spaces that enable our students to become innovative leaders and excellent professionals.
Te acompañamos en tu donación, escríbenos a filantropia@urosario.edu.co
o llámanos al 6012970200 ext. 2042 o 2177.
Let’s work together
The foundations of education
Thanks to your in-kind donations such as flooring, tools, technological equipment, materials or money allocated for the purchase of these items, our students gain access to spaces that improve their quality of life.
Be a part of Let’s work together and together we can create a high-quality education that enables our students to achieve their dreams.
With your contribution, we change lives and build a better country!

Instituto Rosarista de Acción Social SERES, más que voluntariado universitario
Comprometidos con la sociedad y la acción social del país, el Voluntariado Rosarista con más de 10 años al servicio de todos. Por Fabián Gómez

Importante representación rosarista en el Congreso Clínico del Colegio Americano de Cirujanos
El pasado mes de octubre representantes de la Universidad del Rosario asistieron al Congreso Clínico del Colegio Americano de Cirujanos, ACS por sus siglas en inglés...
Ways to Donate
If you need assistance, we can help you donate. Contact us on
(601) 2970200 ext. 2042 o 2177
Benefits of Donating
Lend a hand and help us improve the quality of life of our scholarship recipients, their families, and communities through higher education. Furthermore, if you are a business owner, you will receive benefits for being part of this dream.
You will receive a certificate for tax deduction.
Free admission
Free participation in events
A discount on graduate diplomas, master's degrees and continuing education
You will be entitled to discounts on the university’s academic portfolio for becoming a partner company of UR.
Participation as promoters or partners in lectures, forums and debates on current and relevant issues.
If you are a business, your brand will be featured on our virtual and physical media for being a benefactor of the university.
Free participation
Free participation in UNESCO chairs seminars.
Advancement of research projects and social applicability.
Workshops and consultancy on sustainable development goals and corporate social responsibility (CSR).
Let’s build
At Universidad del Rosario we think it is very important to be supported by people who care about others and help make their dreams come true. Empower the ideas and dreams of Rosaristas with your contributions.