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Applications to Ekhagastiftelsen Grants edit
03 de May, 2022
20 de May, 2022
Hora de Cierre:
11:59 PM

Applications to Ekhagastiftelsen Grants



Área de Conocimiento

Escuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud|Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas



Ente financiador

Ekhagastiftelsen Foundation

Monto a subvencionar

Sin topes, pero el monto máximo subvencionado ha sido aproximadamente $150.000

Área/Tema (específico)

Better and healthier food, Nutrition and way of life, complementary medicine and natural medicines.

Mayores informes

The purpose of Ekhagastiftelsen is to promote human health by supporting the development of better food, natural medicines and healing practices, and to support research for a healthier way of life, which in itself may have a disease preventive effect. A central idea is to focus more on preventive active care than reactive care to combat symptoms. The same applies to the agricultural and food areas where the focus should be to find methods that can prevent various problems instead of focusing on their manifestations. The focus should not be on tackling problems, but rather finding ways to prevent their occurrence.

Since 2019 we no longer require applications that do not come from Europe or North America to have a cooperation with a swedish institution. However we strongly recommend that you have a reserach cooperation with a swedish institution where the partner is involved in the research project. Please be sure to describe the details of the cooperation.

The purpose of Ekhagastiftelsen is to promote human health by supporting the development of better food, natural medicines and healing practices, and to support research for a healthier way of life, which in itself may have a disease preventive effect. A central idea is to focus more on preventive active care than reactive care to combat symptoms. The same applies to the agricultural and food areas where the focus should be to find methods that can prevent various problems instead of focusing on their manifestations. The focus should not be on tackling problems, but rather finding ways to prevent their occurrence.

Since 2019 we no longer require applications that do not come from Europe or North America to have a cooperation with a swedish institution. However we strongly recommend that you have a reserach cooperation with a swedish institution where the partner is involved in the research project. Please be sure to describe the details of the cooperation.