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Health Cluster + Cancer Mission

To improve and protect the health and well-being of citizens of all ages

Horizon Europe Health Cluster + Cancer Mission

Horizonte Europa
                  Clúster Salud + Misión Cáncer

  • It is the European Commission's flagship research and innovation program, succeeding the renowned Horizon 2020. This time, the program is planned to run from 2021 to 2027, with a budget of over €95 billion.

  • An NCP (National Contact Point) is an organizational structure in the form of a Specialized Knowledge Network, focused on thematic clusters and impact missions. Its aim is to disseminate and promote various research initiatives from Horizon Europe through a variety of strategies. This increases the possibilities of leveraging the resources and participation of Colombian entities within the opportunities offered by the Horizon Europe program, thus multiplying and diversifying the quantity and quality of actors interested in being part of research activities (mostly projects and mobilities) with European funding.

    Health Cluster Objectives:

  • Improve and protect the health and well-being of citizens of all ages by gaining new knowledge, developing innovative solutions, and integrating, where appropriate, a specific gender perspective to prevent, diagnose, monitor, treat and cure diseases, and develop technologies for health
  • Mitigate health risks, protect the population, and promote good health, especially in the workplace
  • Make public health systems more equitable and sustainable and to improve their cost-effectiveness
  • Prevent and combat poverty-related diseases
  • Support and enable patient participation and self-management
  • Más información Clúster 1

    Cancer Mission Objectives

  • The overall objective of the Cancer Mission is to achieve advances in the next decade that will save at least 3 million lives in Europe. In general terms, it aims to extend the life expectancy of cancer patients, achieve a better quality of life—also for survivors and their families—and consolidate mechanisms to prevent or delay the onset of the disease. The Cancer Mission believes that, to achieve effective interventions in the pillars of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as to improve the quality of life of people exposed to cancer, a better understanding of the disease is necessary. Therefore, a better understanding of the factors and mechanisms that cause cancer is the foundation on which the three pillars of prevention, diagnosis, and treatment are based.
  • Más información aquí

  • NCP Líder:

  • NCP Regional:
    • Universidad del Valle
      Universidad del Valle
    • Universidad del Magdalena
      Universidad del Magdalena
    • Universidad de cordoba
      Universidad de Córdoba
    • Universidad de La Sabana
      Universidad de La Sabana

  • NCP Sectorial:
    • Mederi Universidad del Rosario

  • NCP Misión
    • Instituto Nacional de Cancerología – ESE
      Instituto Nacional de Cancerología – ESE