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Ingeniería Industrial
Ingeniería Industrial



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The industrial engineering program trains professionals with the skills to design, plan, develop, and operate industrial and organizational systems. The program has areas of specialization in Data Science, Logistics, Decision Analysis, and Finance. 
The program enables the student to gain an in-depth understanding of the methods and tools used in Industrial Engineering, emphasizing a practical approach that is closely tied to the realities of businesses and entities. The program aims to provide graduates with the skills to solve complex problems facing organizations in both national and international contexts.
The program provides both a theoretical and methodological foundation in engineering, equipping students with essential skills in critical thinking, communication, problem-solving, and teamwork.

Información del programa.

  • SNIES Code: 109731
  • Tuition fees per semester: $ 18.515.000*
    There is a 11,46% ($ 2.121.819)
    Tuition fees per semester with discount: $ 16.393.181.
  • 136 academic credits
  • Program name:  Industrial Engineering
  • Type of education: University
  • Education level: Undergraduate
  • Program mode: In-person attendance - full time
  • Qualification awarded: Industrial Engineer
  • Program location: Bogotá D.C.
  • Schedule: Full time. Full-time commitment
  • Periodicity of admission: Each semester
  • Resolution number with effective term: Resolution 19636 of October 20, 2020, effective for 7 years.
  • High-quality accreditation: New program
  • Duration: 8 semesters
  • Schedule: Daytime

¿Por qué estudiar Ingeniería Industrial?


Our curriculum provides comprehensive education with a solid foundation and high level of specialization in the field of Industrial Engineering. The heart of the projects brings students closer to implementing interdisciplinary projects in real-world contexts. 

Our courses are designed to ensure that students are continuously engaged with their discipline. We offer areas of specialization that are relevant to Industry 4.0: Data Science, Logistics, Decision Analysis, and Finance. 

Students may pursue cross-institutional studies with the master's degrees offered by the ICT school. 

 Download curriculum



Para graduarse, el estudiante puede elegir una de 4 rutas:

Estudio de un problema aplicado o de investigación

Creación de un modelo de negocio de una iniciativa de tipo empresarial o social. Esta ruta se hace en conjunto con el Centro de Emprendimiento de la Universidad del Rosario.

Exposición al mundo laboral a través de una práctica en una institución nacional o internacional.

Cursar y aprobar un conjunto de asignaturas ofrecidas por los programas de maestría de la Universidad del Rosario.


Todos nuestros profesores de carrera tienen doctorado y hacen investigación de punta en temas de Ingeniería, Ciencia y Tecnología, así como proyectos aplicados en conjunto con aliados externos. Nuestros profesores de cátedra tienen amplia experiencia docente en educación en áreas STEM o trabajan en la industria donde realizan proyectos de transferencia de tecnología. Los profesores desarrollan proyectos en áreas como inteligencia artificial, energías renovables, robótica, visión por computador, ciberseguridad, computación de alto desempeño, analítica de datos, planeación energética, optimización de operaciones logísticas, modelamiento de fenómenos sociales, criptografía, entre otras.

Conoce nuestro equipo

Prospective student



The Industrial Engineering program is aimed at individuals who are interested in developing projects to address major societal problems in various contexts through the lens of Industrial Engineering. It is also aimed at individuals who are inclined to use basic sciences to solve problems and who are interested in coming up with innovative solutions to real-world problems. 





The graduate will be able to:

  • Use their Industrial Engineering knowledge to design systems that address social, industrial, and governmental problems.
  • Create, design, implement, and operate organizational systems for data analysis, logistics systems, and decision support systems. 
  • Develop socially and environmentally sustainable systems, where the impact on the environment is integrated into all design stages. 

In line with the areas of specialization, the Industrial Engineering graduate will be able to:

  1. Create their own technology business. 
  2. Take on operational and managerial roles in the engineering departments of companies. 
  3. Be a part of data analysis teams in public and private entities.
  4. Take on roles in logistics departments in industries across multiple sectors. 
  5. Serve as a decision support analyst in public and private entities.  
  6. Participate in engineering projects in various fields. 
  7. Serve as an advisor and/or consultant in procedures related to their field of expertise in projects and ventures. 

Nuestros Laboratorios

Contamos con laboratorios de punta para la enseñanza y la investigación, y con espacios pensados para la experimentación y el desarrollo de proyectos.

Proceso de Admisión