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Programa de Biología
Programa de Biología

Undergraduate in


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Our program is unique in Colombia in that it provides a robust scientific foundation while also offering a broad, interdisciplinary perspective. Here, multiple branches of biology and other sciences interact to understand and address current global challenges within the framework of sustainable development, ranging from the emergence of diseases and pests to the loss of biodiversity and climate change.

Biology at URosario will provide you with the best tools to respond to the greatest challenges of the 21st century. This program provides you with a flexible and relevant education, allowing you to explore novel scientific questions that transcend traditional approaches.

Información del programa.

  • Program name: Biology​
  • Qualification awarded: Biologist ​
  • Program mode: In-person attendance
  • Type of education: University
  • Education level: Undergraduate ​
  • Duration: 8 semesters or 144 completed credits ​
  • 144 academic credits ​
  • Program location: Bogotá D.C.
  • Schedule: Full time. Full-time commitment
  • Schedule: Daytime
  • Periodicity of admission: Biannual
  • SNIES Code: 102921
  • Resolution 017048 of September 10, 2021, effective for 7 years.
  • High-quality accreditation: Resolution 018724 of October 6, 2023, effective for 8 years.
  • Tuition fee per semester: $ 13.870.000

URosario se posiciona como la Universidad privada #ciencias  de la vida  en Colombia  Según el Ranking  THE -By Subject 2024




acreditación biologia

Nuestro programa de Biología recibe Acreditación de Alta Calidad por un periodo de 8 años.


Our program is up to date with international standards and you will have access to unique subjects in the country, such as: Earth System and Global Changes, Computer Programming, Sustainability Science, Infectious Diseases, Molecular and Biotechnological Tools, and Environmental Law and Policy, among others.

At the end of the course, you will be able to choose among four minor areas (each of them made up of five subjects) that will give you a distinctive graduate profile. Alternatively, if you prefer, you can choose courses from other programs and receive professional training in interdisciplinary areas of your particular interest.

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You can choose between

Disciplinary minors or interdisciplinary minors, and four degree track options


Consisting of the following courses:
1. Advanced ecology
2. Cognitive ecology
3. Animal behavioral ecology
4. Tropical ecology
5. Marine mammal ecology

Consisting of the following courses: 
1. Sustainability science (registration required) 
2. Ecosystem services (registration required) 
3. Environmental and ecological economics (registration required) 
4. Political ecology and mixed analysis in socio-environmental studies 

Consisting of the following courses: 
1. Ecology and evolution of diseases 
2. Ecology of soil microorganisms 
3. Bioinformatics 
4. Parasitology 
5. Molecular and biotechnological tools 

Consisting of the following courses: 
1. Evolutionary genetics 
2. Bioinformatics 
3. Biogeography 
4. Speciation 
5. Molecular tools 

Find out about the interdisciplinary options by clicking here. 

Internship or placement 
Cross-institutional studies 

Learn more about your cross-institutional study options by clicking here.


The professors of the Biology Program are full time professors and researchers, 100% have Ph.D.s, 75% have postdoctoral experience, and all of them have international experience. Get to know them here!


Ciencias básicas
Basic Medical Sciences


  Sandra Rocío Ramírez, Ph.D.

Research areas:

  Basic Medical Sciencesa

   Cellular and molecular biology

    Human genetics

Grupo de Ecología Funcional y Ecosistémica (EFE)
Ecosystem and Functional Ecology (EFE)


    Juan Posada, Ph.D.

    Nicola Clerici, Ph.D.

  Adriana Maldonado, Ph.D.

  Adriana Sánchez

Research areas:

    Carbon cycle dynamics in tropical ecosystems

   Ecology of tropical forests

  Ecosystem service mapping and natural resource monitoring

   Principles of photosynthetic system organization (leaves/canopy)

    Relationships between functional and taxonomic diversity

Genética Evolutiva


  Camilo Salazar, Ph.D.

  Carolina Pardo, Ph.D.

Research areas:

  Evolutionary genetics


  Ecology and behavior

Grupo de Investigaciones Microbiológicas - UR (GIMUR)
Microbiology - UR (GIMUR)


   Juan David Ramírez

Research areas:

  Diagnosis of infectious diseases

  Ecology and evolution of diseases

  Molecular epidemiology and genomics

    Vector population genetics and genomics


Historia Natural de las Plantas Tropicales
Natural History of Tropical Plants


   Adriana Sánchez, Ph.D.

Research areas:

  Biome evolution

  Plant evolution

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   Andre Riveros

Research areas:

  Ecophysiology and cognition

  Translational physiology

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Grupo de Investigación Moléculas Biológicas y Actividad Celular
Moléculas Biológicas y Actividad Celular


  Victoria Villegas

  María Martínez

Líneas de investigación:

  Daño celular

  Inestabilidad genómica

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Educación en Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas
Educación en Ciencias Naturales y Matemáticas


  Dalila Fajardo

  Magda Gaviria

  Luisa Urrego

Líneas de investigación:

  Currículo y evaluación

  Pedagogía de las ciencias naturales y las matemáticas

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At #BiologyUR, our faculty and students work together to investigate life at every level: cells, individuals, populations, and ecosystems. We are interested in understanding how these levels evolve and change, especially in the context of current global changes.

Nuestras fortalezas

Prospective student


To study biology, you must have:

  • Interest in research 
  • Interest in laboratory and field work 
  • Observation and analysis skills 
  • Ability to work in a team 
  • Creativity to provide scientific solutions to real problems 



Our graduates will have a solid background in the various branches of biology, scientific research skills, complex thinking, ethical commitment, and the tools to address diverse biological and scientific problems. Our graduates have the opportunity to pursue careers in various fields, including:

  • National and foreign research centers
  • Biotechnology and health companies
  • Pharmaceutical, agro-food, and chemical industries
  • Environmental consulting and/or spatial analysis
  • Intergovernmental (e.g., UN) and/or non-governmental organizations (e.g., WWF)
  • Sustainability departments in public and private companies
  • Public policy managers in environmental issues
  • Ministries and regional autonomous corporations
  • National and international universities



The Biology program has excellent facilities and equipment that facilitate teaching and learning.




You will be able to actively participate in the development of research projects in our research incubators. We have 7 research incubators covering different topics. Get to know them!


ecología cognitiva y neurobiología
Cognitive Ecology

We study how animals acquire, store, process, and use information to make decisions and examine the consequences of these decisions, with a particular focus on insects. We employ tools from neuropharmacology, sensory allometry, bioinformatics, and biophysics.

Análisis genético-poblacionales para establecer la evolución de organismos
Population-genetic analysis to establish the evolution of organisms

We combine the use of molecular biology, genomics, and bioinformatics to study how species originate, evolve, and adapt.


We study the ecology and evolution of infectious agents with national, regional, and global impact, using molecular biology and genomics tools.


We aim to find solutions to needs or problems in the biological and medical fields through the creation of devices and materials.


We study the potential applications of basic sciences in different areas of biotechnology.

Ecología de plantas tropicales
Ecology of Tropical Plants

We research problems associated with basic ecology (functional ecology, physiology, and interactions) and/or socioecology. 

Taxonomía y uso de los hongos
Taxonomy and Use of Fungi

We study macro and micro fungi, and their function and interactions with other organisms present in tropical ecosystems, combining ecology with molecular biology.

Ecología y Comportamiento Animal
Ecology and Animal Behavior

We study the evolution of animal behavior and its consequences at different levels of organization: individuals, populations, and communities.

Educación e Innovación en Ciencias Naturales (EDIC)
Education and Innovation in Natural Sciences (EDIC)

We delve into the teaching and learning of Natural Sciences, the development of scientific thinking skills, didactics, and educational innovation in natural sciences.

Socioecología y Pensamiento Sistémico
Socioecology and Systemic Thinking

We aim to promote systemic thinking in the search for integral solutions to socio-environmental challenges in a transdisciplinary workspace.

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We aim to bring students closer to a more detailed understanding of insects and other arthropods. 



