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Comisión europea
17 de October, 2023
23 de November, 2023
Hora de Cierre:
11:59 PM

Operability and standardisation in response to biological toxin incidents


Investigación /Innovación


Unión Europea


Comisión Europea


6.000.000 EUR


Incidentes por toxinas biológicas

The call is aimed at projects that contribute to the operation and standardization in response to incidents with biological toxins

Projects’ results are expected to contribute to some or all of the following outcomes:

Improved European crisis management in case of an incident with biological toxins through the development of a pan-European task force of security practitioners, taking into consideration existing intersectoral actions on bioterrorism;
New and existing portable devices, technologies and methods for responders to perform on-site detection of biological toxins are brought to the market;
Recommendations of effective decontamination measures for personnel, equipment and facilities exposed to biological toxins are provided based on solid experimental testing;
Development of an operational European response network of specialised and forensic laboratories, taking into account existing initiatives such as e.g. the HERA Laboratory Network and harmonised procedures/guidelines for forensic analysis of biological toxins applicable to a range of relevant technologies and toxins;
The risks for responders from exposure to biological toxins in the hot-zone are assessed and recommendations of protective equipment for working with biological toxins in the hot-zone are developed;
Building on existing initiatives and networks, a consolidated platform is established providing support for standardisation efforts in the analysis of biological toxins.

Applications must be submitted electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal electronic
submission system (accessible via the topic page in the Search Funding & Tenders section).
Paper submissions are NOT possible.

Applications must include a plan for the exploitation and dissemination of results
including communication activities, unless provided otherwise in the specific call

the limit for a full application is
45 pages

Unless otherwise provided for in the specific call conditions, only legal entities forming a
consortium are eligible to participate in actions provided that the consortium includes, as
beneficiaries, three legal entities independent from each other and each established in a
different country as follows:
-at least one independent legal entity established in a Member State; and
-at least two other independent legal entities, each established in different Member
States or Associated Countries.

The call is aimed at projects that contribute to the operation and standardization in response to incidents with biological toxins

Projects’ results are expected to contribute to some or all of the following outcomes:

Improved European crisis management in case of an incident with biological toxins through the development of a pan-European task force of security practitioners, taking into consideration existing intersectoral actions on bioterrorism;
New and existing portable devices, technologies and methods for responders to perform on-site detection of biological toxins are brought to the market;
Recommendations of effective decontamination measures for personnel, equipment and facilities exposed to biological toxins are provided based on solid experimental testing;
Development of an operational European response network of specialised and forensic laboratories, taking into account existing initiatives such as e.g. the HERA Laboratory Network and harmonised procedures/guidelines for forensic analysis of biological toxins applicable to a range of relevant technologies and toxins;
The risks for responders from exposure to biological toxins in the hot-zone are assessed and recommendations of protective equipment for working with biological toxins in the hot-zone are developed;
Building on existing initiatives and networks, a consolidated platform is established providing support for standardisation efforts in the analysis of biological toxins.

Applications must be submitted electronically via the Funding & Tenders Portal electronic
submission system (accessible via the topic page in the Search Funding & Tenders section).
Paper submissions are NOT possible.

Applications must include a plan for the exploitation and dissemination of results
including communication activities, unless provided otherwise in the specific call

the limit for a full application is
45 pages

Unless otherwise provided for in the specific call conditions, only legal entities forming a
consortium are eligible to participate in actions provided that the consortium includes, as
beneficiaries, three legal entities independent from each other and each established in a
different country as follows:
-at least one independent legal entity established in a Member State; and
-at least two other independent legal entities, each established in different Member
States or Associated Countries.