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12 de September, 2023
31 de December, 2023
Hora de Cierre:
11:59 PM

1st Rufford Small Grant




Facultad de Ciencias Naturales


The Rufford Foundation


6.000 GBP



Liderazgo global en cadenas de valor industriales limpias, climáticamente neutras y resilientes, economía circular y sistemas e infraestructuras digitales climáticamente neutros y centrados en el ser humano, a través de procesos de producción y fabricación innovadores y su digitalización, nuevos modelos de negocio y materiales avanzados sostenibles por diseño. y tecnologías que permitan el cambio hacia la descarbonización en todos los principales sectores industriales emisores, incluidas las tecnologías digitales verdes.

General Criteria 

Projects MUST have a nature conservation focus.
Applicants should be based in a developing country
We generally fund people who are at the early stages of their conservation careers.
Our focus is supporting MSc or PhD students (or equivalent) or those who have graduated from such studies in the past 3 years, though we ONLY consider costs related to the fieldwork element of the study
Grants are designed to support small-scale or pilot projects, rather than providing a small amount of funding for a large-scale project
Projects can focus on particular species or have a more general focus such as on a threatened habitat or a major issue like human-wildlife conflict or the need for community education.

On successful completion of a 1st Rufford Small Grant and having provided updates and a final report, you can apply for a 2nd Rufford Small Grant, though there is no guarantee of support. You cannot make a 2nd Rufford Small Grant application for at least 12 months after the date of payment of your 1st Rufford Small Grant.

The following types of projects will NOT be eligible for support.

Pure research with no obvious conservation benefit.
Expeditions, particularly where the applicant has to raise funds in order to participate.
Attending conferences or seminars.
Publishing books.
For projects focusing on species, we will NOT consider work on those listed at a global level as Least Concern in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Species listed in all other categories will be considered.

Liderazgo global en cadenas de valor industriales limpias, climáticamente neutras y resilientes, economía circular y sistemas e infraestructuras digitales climáticamente neutros y centrados en el ser humano, a través de procesos de producción y fabricación innovadores y su digitalización, nuevos modelos de negocio y materiales avanzados sostenibles por diseño. y tecnologías que permitan el cambio hacia la descarbonización en todos los principales sectores industriales emisores, incluidas las tecnologías digitales verdes.

General Criteria 

Projects MUST have a nature conservation focus.
Applicants should be based in a developing country
We generally fund people who are at the early stages of their conservation careers.
Our focus is supporting MSc or PhD students (or equivalent) or those who have graduated from such studies in the past 3 years, though we ONLY consider costs related to the fieldwork element of the study
Grants are designed to support small-scale or pilot projects, rather than providing a small amount of funding for a large-scale project
Projects can focus on particular species or have a more general focus such as on a threatened habitat or a major issue like human-wildlife conflict or the need for community education.

On successful completion of a 1st Rufford Small Grant and having provided updates and a final report, you can apply for a 2nd Rufford Small Grant, though there is no guarantee of support. You cannot make a 2nd Rufford Small Grant application for at least 12 months after the date of payment of your 1st Rufford Small Grant.

The following types of projects will NOT be eligible for support.

Pure research with no obvious conservation benefit.
Expeditions, particularly where the applicant has to raise funds in order to participate.
Attending conferences or seminars.
Publishing books.
For projects focusing on species, we will NOT consider work on those listed at a global level as Least Concern in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Species listed in all other categories will be considered.