Master’s in Administrative Law

Master’s in Administrative Law

Universidad del Rosario’s Master’s in Administrative Law is the oldest degree of its type in the country, and its teaching and research activities are supported by professors are part of the Research Group in Public Law. This renowned group has remained in the A1 category of the Colciencias ranking, which is the highest rating level for research groups within the Colombian system of science and technology.

The main strength of this research program is its teaching model, which enables students to learn the concepts of the discipline and develop the methodological skills required to enhance their abilities in legal and socio-legal research in the field of administrative law, from a perspective that emphasizes on the comparison with other references due to the internationalization of the curriculum. Based on this structure, graduates of the program have attained high academic and professional standing and their publications, teaching performance and contribution to the doctrinal enrichment of the discipline have been recognized.

The curriculum structure of the program consists of four semesters, in which the research work that completes the study plan is carried out in parallel with advanced studies of field-specific knowledge. In this way, the stages envisaged for formulating and executing projects ensure that theses are presented and sustained with constant tutoring from professors trained for this task, and that the merits of the best progress articles are recognized in indexed publications during the learning process. 

SNIES code: 4553

4 semesters or 48 credits earned

Program name: Master’s in Administrative Law

Program type: Postgraduate

Program level: Master’s degree

Study mode: In-person attendance

Qualification awarded: Master of Administrative Law

Study location: Bogotá, Colombia

Metodología: Research

Class schedule: Fridays from 4 - 8pm and Saturdays from 8am - 12 noon

Credits number: 48

Official registration: Resolution No. 9234 of June 7, 2018, valid for 8 years

Program duration: 4 semesters

Perfil de egreso

Perfil de egreso

El egresado de la Maestría en Derecho Internacional en la modalidad de profundización será un profesional capacitado para aplicar los principios y normas del derecho internacional en diferentes escenarios, con alta capacidad analítica y creativa para responder a las necesidades del sector en el que se desempeñe a nivel nacional o internacional.

El egresado de la Maestría en Derecho Internacional en la modalidad de investigación será un profesional reconocido por sus competencias investigativas y por sus aportes a la creación de conocimiento y el desarrollo del Derecho Internacional.

Indistintamente de la modalidad, el futuro Magister en Derecho internacional confrontará ideas y debatirá de forma argumentada sobre diversos problemas que puedan surgir en los distintos Regímenes Jurídicos del Derecho Internacional Público y Privado.

¿Dónde vas a estudiar?
Sede Urosario

Where are you going to study?

Claustro campus

Your main campus will be the Cloister, where you encounter the ideal environment for your education. You will also be able to access other spaces such as the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center and the Quinta de Mutis campus, which offer extensive green spaces and cultural and historical offerings.

Contact us


Carrera 6 #15-18