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  • General requirements
  • Spanish proficiency test
  • After the application process
  • Course registration
  • Immigration Information for Exchange
  • UR Mentor Program
  • Housing
  • Virtual Exchange

FH MAINZ - University of Applied Sciences Mainz
Exchange program

FH MAINZ- University of Applied Sciences Mainz
Double degree program

Heildelberg University
Exchange program

Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Exchange program

Technische Universität Dresden
Exchange program

Ludwig Maximilians Univeristat Munchen (LMU)
Exchange program

Universität Augsburg
Exchange program

Universitat Passau
Exchange program

Westfalische Wilhelms Munster Universitat
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Universidad Católica Argentina, Santa Maria
Exchange program

Universidad de Buenos Aires
Exchange program

Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Exchange program

Universidad de Mendoza
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

The University of Queensland
Double degree program

University of South Australia
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Campus Steyr
Double degree program

Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences, Campus Steyr
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Universite libre de Bruxeles
Exchange program

Universite de Mons
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Universidad Franz Tamayo
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Campinas
Exchange program

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Sao Paulo
Exchange program

Universidad Federal de Santa Catarina
Exchange program

Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais
Exchange program

Universidad Federal de Sao Carlos
Exchange program

Universidad Federal Fluminense
Exchange program

Universidade de Ribeirao Petro
Exchange program

Universidade Do Sul de Santa Catarina
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Exchange program

Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins
Exchange program

Universidad Central de Chile
Exchange program

Universidad del Desarrollo
Exchange program

Universidad de Chile
Exchange program

Universidad de Talca
Exchange program

Universidad Diego Portales
Exchange program

Universidad Mayor
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga
Exchange program

Universidad Autónoma del Caribe
Exchange program

Universidad de Medellín
Exchange program

Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Exchange program

Universidad Industrial de Santander
Exchange program

Sistema Interinstitucional de Grupo de Universidades Encaminado a la Movilidad Estudiantil SIGUEME
Exchange program

Asociación Colombiana de Facultades y Programas Universitarios de Comunicación AFACOM
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Dankook University
Exchange program

Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Exchange program

Kookmin University
Exchange program

University of Seoul
Exchange program

Solbridge Business School
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Universidad de los Hemisferios
Exchange program

Universidad del Pacífico
Exchange program

Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Cremades y Calvo Sotelo
Exchange program

Universidad 'Alfonso X El Sabio'
Exchange program

Universidad de Alicante
Exchange program

Universidad de Jaén
Exchange program

Universidad de Sevilla
Exchange program

Universidad Pública de Navarra
Exchange program

EADA Business School
Double degree program

Universidad Antonio de Nebrija
Exchange program

Universidad de Almería
Exchange program

Universidad de León
Exchange program

Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Exchange program

Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Exchange program

Escuela de negocios de Navarra
Exchange program

Escuela de negocios de Navarra
Double degree program

Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Exchange program

Universidad de Granada
Exchange program

Universidad de Salamanca
Double degree program

Universidad de Salamanca
Exchange program

Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Exchange program

Universidad Pública de Navarra
Double degree program

EAE Business School (Escuela de Administración de Empresas)
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Richard Stockton College of New Jersey
Exchange program

Temple University
Exchange program

University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras (Situado en Puerto Rico)
Exchange program

University of Miami
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Ecole de Management de Normandie
Exchange program

Ecole de Management de Normandie
Double degree program

Ecole Normale Superieure
Exchange program

Exchange program

Centre Universitaire de Formation e Recherche Jean Francois Champollion
Exchange program

IESEG School of Management
Exchange program

IESEG School of Management
Double degree program

Institut detudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po Paris)
Exchange program

Instituto de Ciencias Politicas de Lyon (Sciences Po Lyon)
Exchange program

Instituto de Estudios Politicos de Rennes
Exchange program

Instituto de Estudios Politicos de Toulouse (Sciences Po Toulouse)
Exchange program

Instituto de Estudios Politicos de Bordeaux (Sciences Po Bordeaux)
Exchange program

Instituto de Estudios Politicos de Bordeaux (Sciences Po Bordeaux)
Double degree program

PSB Paris School Business
Exchange program

Rennes School of Business
Exchange program

Rennes School of Business
Double degree program

Sciences Po Grenoble
Exchange program

Sciences Po Lille
Exchange program

TBS Toulouse School of Business
Exchange program

Univeriste de Paris Nanterre
Exchange program

Universidad de Rennes 1
Exchange program

Universidad de Rennes 2
Exchange program

Universite Catholique de Lille
Exchange program

Universite de Bordeaux
Exchange program

Universite Lumiere Lyon 2
Exchange program

Universite de Versailles Saint Quentin en Yvelines
Exchange program

Universite Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Exchange program

Universite Pantheon Assas Paris 2
Exchange program

Universite Pantheon Assas Paris 2
Double degree program

Universite Pantheon Sorbonne Paris 1
Exchange program

Universite Pantheon Sorbonne Paris 1
Double degree program

Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1
Exchange program

Escuela Superior de Comercio de Montpellier (Sup de Co)
Double degree program

Ecole Superieure de Sciences Commerciales dAngers (ESSCA)
Exchange program

Institut de management et de communication interculturels
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Universidad de Guyane
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Tilburg University
Exchange program

Tilburg University
Double degree program

Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
Exchange program

Windesheim University of Applied Sciences
Exchange program

Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Exchange program

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Exchange program

Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
Double degree program

HAN University of Applied Sciences (Arnhem Business School)
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Amity University
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Link Campus University
Exchange program

Università degli Studi di Padova
Exchange program

Università degli Studi di Siena
Exchange program

Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Exchange program

Università degli Studi di Parma
Exchange program

Universitá Di Bologna
Exchange program

Universitá Di Bologna
Double degree program

CIE-Link Campus University
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Kindai University
Exchange program

Meiji University
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Vilnius University
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Université Internationale de Rabat
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla
Exchange program

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Exchange program

Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla
Exchange program

Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas CIDE
Exchange program

Universidad de Guadalajara
Exchange program

Universidad de Monterrey
Exchange program

Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM)
Exchange program

Universidad de Guanajuato
Exchange program

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

University of Agder
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Universidad Catolica de Perú
Exchange program

Universidad Catolica de Perú
Double degree program

Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Exchange program

Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola (USIL)
Exchange program

Universidad César Vallejo
Exchange program

Universidad de San Martín de Porres
Exchange program

Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Exchange program

Universidad de Piura
Exchange program

Universidad del Pacífico
Exchange program

Universidad ESAN
Exchange program

Universidad ESAN
Double degree program

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Instituto Universitário de Lisboa
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto Rio Piedras
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

University of Kent
Exchange program

University of Leicester
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Palacky University
Exchange program

The Metropolitan University Prague
Exchange program

University of Hradec Králove
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

RUDN University
Exchange program

URAL Federal University
Exchange program

Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Karolinska Institutet
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Haute école de gestion Genève
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Chulalongkorn University
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Tunghai University
Exchange program

University of Taipei
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Orta Dogy Teknik Universitesi
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Universidad Catolica de Uruguay
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

British Columbia Institute of Technology
Exchange program

University of Ottawa
Exchange program

Université du Québec à Montréal
Exchange program

If you want to receive more information about the mobility options with our university, write to us at incoming@urosario.edu.co

Note: if your university does not currently have an agreement with us, send us an email to review your case.

Corea del Sur
United States


Agreements by country:





















South Korea






United States


























Puerto Rico


United Kingdom


Czech Republic
















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