Master’s in Public Health

Master’s in Public Health

The Master’s in Public Health provides the knowledge required to address issues regarding health promotion and disease prevention. The challenges posed by the current situation in the field of health in Colombia require people who are able to work with communities and understand social problem areas, and who know how to tackle national challenges and make use of the current processes of globalization in order to improve the health conditions of the population. The public health programs that are currently offered in other universities do not include these focuses on addressing health promotion and disease prevention. The Colombian health sector needs professionals who are highly qualified in these areas in order to improve health in local, departmental, national and international settings. Students of the Master’s in Public Health will acquire this knowledge, which is essential to society.

If they choose one of the advanced studies methodologies, they will learn to address and manage health issues in local, national and global settings. On the contrary, if students opt for one of the research focuses, they will learn to study health and disease as specific realities from a health science perspective, or as indirect subjects of study from a social and human sciences perspective.

SNIES code: 104867


Program name: Master’s in Public Health

Program type: Postgraduate

Program level: Master’s

Study mode: In-person attendance

Qualification awarded: Master’s in Public Health

Study location: Bogotá, Colombia

Metodología: Advanced studies and research

Class schedule: Fridays from 5 - 9pm and Saturdays from 7am - 1pm

Admission frequency: Each semester

Official registration: Resolution No. 13068, valid for 7 years

Program duration: 4 semesters

Perfil profesional

Perfil profesional

Especialistas con capacidad de liderazgo, y con habilidades para transmitir conocimientos a otros profesionales en el área de la salud y desarrollar proyectos de investigación en su disciplina.

¿Dónde vas a estudiar?
Sede Urosario

Where are you going to study?

Quinta de Mutis campus

Your main campus will be the Quinta de Mutis, a space that includes the best classrooms and laboratories needed for your education. You will also have access to the Northern and the Cloister campus, which offer extensive green areas and a unique cultural and historical offering.

Carrera 24 N° 63C-69
4225321 - 018000 511888