Law program

Law program

Our purpose is to produce humanistic, analytical and critical graduates who are committed to the country, in a demanding, high-quality academic environment. To that end, we have developed a set of theoretical and practical instruments that aim to inform students of the most relevant legal debates at national and international level. These instruments also help students to engage with the national reality, connect their legal studies to other knowledge disciplines and understand the position occupied by the law and lawyers in the process of globalization.

We possess high-quality accreditation from the Ministry of National Education that has been renewed until 2020.  

SNIES code: 1297

10 semesters or 170 credits earned

Program name: Law program

Program type: University

Program level: Undergraduate

Study mode: Face to face

Qualification awarded: Bachelor of Law

Study location: Bogotá

Class schedule: Daytime

Admission frequency: Every semester

Credits number: 170

Official registration: Resolution No. 15767 of December 4, 2012, valid for 8 years

Program duration: 10 semesters

Perfil del egresado

Perfil del egresado

Al culminar el programa contarás con las competencias teóricas y prácticas requeridas para tu desarrollo profesional. Serás un abogado integral, con una sólida formación en principios éticos y jurídicos para investigar, prevenir y resolver conflictos a partir de soluciones jurídicas innovadoras en un mundo globalizado e interconectado.

Queremos que te desempeñes con transparencia, justicia y responsabilidad social tanto en el sector público como privado, para contribuir a la construcción de un mejor país, en cualquier campo de desempeño profesional.

¿Dónde vas a estudiar?
Sede Urosario

Where are you going to study?

Claustro campus

Your main campus will be the Cloister, where you encounter the ideal environment for your education. You will also be able to access other spaces such as the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center and the Quinta de Mutis campus, which offer extensive green spaces and cultural and historical offerings.

Cl. 12c # 6 - 25
(+57) 1 2970200