Doctorate in Biological and Biomedical Science

Doctorate in Biological and Biomedical Science

Universidad del Rosario’s strengths in biomedical science and long tradition of offering clinical and surgical specialties are part of the development of the research process in recent years. The university also has strategic partnerships with the Corporation for Biological Research (CIB), the Colombian Immunology Institute (FIDIC) and the International Center of Physics (CIF).The Doctorate in Biological and Biomedical Science is therefore a product of the development of research and strategic management for basic and clinical integration in the Faculty of Medicine.

The program has a multidisciplinary approach that equips students to put forward innovative solutions to major local and global challenges, in order to make human development socially, economically and environmentally sustainable.

These strengths are reflected in the broad offering of research lines and thesis supervisors that the program provides, as well as in the characteristics of its curricular design and study plan.

SNIES code: 105184

8 semesters or 90 credits earned

Program name: Doctorate in Biological and Biomedical Science

Program type: University

Program level: Doctorate

Study mode: Face to face

Qualification awarded: Doctor of Biological and Biomedical Science

Study location: Bogotá, Colombia

Admission frequency: Every semester

Credits number: 90

Official registration: Resolution No. 368 of January 14, 2016, valid for 7 years

Program duration: 8 semesters

Perfil de egreso

Perfil de egreso

¡Nos preocupa tu futuro!  

Debido a la formación integradora y al internado —que puede ser clínico o electivo (como investigador en ciencias básicas, clínicas, sociales y humanas)— el médico Rosarista se puede desempeñar, además de la práctica clínica y hospitalaria, en la docencia, la investigación, la administración, el liderazgo en la formulación de políticas, en instituciones públicas o privadas, nacionales o internacionales.

¿Dónde vas a estudiar?
Sede Urosario

Where are you going to study?

Quinta de Mutis campus

Your main campus will be the Quinta de Mutis, a space that includes the best classrooms and laboratories needed for your education. You will also have access to the Northern and the Cloister campus, which offer extensive green areas and a unique cultural and historical offering.

Carrera 24 N° 63C-69
4225321 - 018000 511888