Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Program

Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Program - MACC

Our program is the ideal choice for students who want to create and lead digital transformation in the context of the 4.0 Revolution. Following this program will allow them to understand the world through the language of mathematics and computer science. We have areas of in-depth study that respond to the needs of the 4.0 Revolution that are designed for students to expand their job opportunities in a digital economy. Our graduates will have the ability to create bridges between real-world problems and digital solutions, generating the transfer of technology and knowledge.

SNIES Code: 105653
140 academic credits completed or 8 semesters

Program name: Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Program

Program type: University

Program level: Undergraduate

Study mode:In-person attendance

Qualification awarded: Professional in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Study location: Bogotá D.C.

Class schedule: Diurna

Admission frequency: Each semester

Official registration: 10690 of June 1, 2016

Program duration: 8 semesters

If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is

John von Neumann




Students will commence research activities in the undergraduate program.


Students will be creators and leaders of Colombia’s digital transformation.


They will take part in an undergraduate program, unique in Colombia, that offers in-depth study in areas such as actuarial science, scientific computing and those that will prepare students to create the 4.0 Revolution: artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and data science.


Students will follow an international syllabus that together with the list of agreements with foreign universities will allow them to enjoy international mobility experiences during their undergraduate studies and after they finish their studies.


The Universidad del Rosario has high quality accreditation and is recognized as an excellent higher education and research institution at both national and international level. In creating this program, the Universidad del Rosario, with more than 360 years of history, recovers the legacy of José Celestino Mutis, who founded the first Chair of Mathematics in Colombia at this university in 1762.

Video del programa

Create and lead the digital transformation of Colombia!

Plan de estudios


The MACC curriculum includes subjects in mathematics, applied mathematics and computer science, as well as a set of electives chosen by the student that will allow deeper study of the topics of his or her interest.

You may choose to

complete 12 credits

Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence
Data science
Scientific computing
Actuarial science
Graduate profile

Graduate profile

Nuestro pregrado prepara a sus estudiantes para un mundo en el que la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad avanzan rápidamente. La necesidad de soluciones a problemas concretos, cada vez más complejos, hace que las habilidades de computacionales y de razonamiento científico-matemático que impartimos estén en gran demanda por parte de los sectores tanto privado como público en Colombia y en el mundo. Nuestros egresados podrán continuar con sus estudios de posgrado en áreas afines y desarrollarse en varios campos del sector laboral. A continuación se presentan algunas de las áreas en las que pueden desarrollarse nuestros egresados, ya sea como empleados, consultores o como fundadores de sus propios startups:

  • Gerentes de transformación digital
  • Seguridad informática
  • Optimización de procesos y logística
  • Analítica de datos
  • Modelaje matemático y computacional
  • Actuaría
  • Industria de los video juegos
  • Desarrollador de soluciones innovadores y tecnológicas
+ Perfil de ingreso

¡ Porque eres increíble!

En la Universidad del Rosario esperamos el ingreso de personas como tú, quienes están altamente interesadas por los temas relacionados con el programa de Matemáticas Aplicadas y Ciencias de la Computación. Esperamos a estudiantes con iniciativa, con aptitudes matemáticas, apasionados, con deseos de estudiar y con mucha creatividad; a lo largo de tu proceso de formación estarás creciendo a nivel profesional y personal.

Graduate profile

Graduate profile

This undergraduate program prepares students for a world in which science, technology and society advance rapidly. The need for solutions to concrete problems, ever more complex, makes computer skills and scientific and mathematical thinking in great demand by the public and private sectors in Colombia and the world.
Our graduates will be able to continue with their graduate studies in related areas and develop in several areas of the labor market. Below are some of the areas in which our graduates can work, whether as employees, consultants or founders of their own startups:

  • Digital transformation managers
  • Cybersecurity
  • Optimization of processes and logistics
  • Data analytics
  • Mathematical and computational modeling
  • Actuarial analysis
  • Video game industry
  • Developer of innovative and technological solutions

Graduation options

As options for graduation, students can choose the way to complete 15 academic credits in the last two semesters of their program:
1. Dissertation
2. Internship
3. Joint completion with any master’s degree at the Universidad del Rosario
4. An entrepreneurial project (together with the Entrepreneurship Center of the Universidad del Rosario)





We have high quality computer and experimental laboratories that will allow our students to facilitate all of their learning processes in friendly, modern and disruptive spaces.

Conoce más


All of the professors of the undergraduate MACC program have a PhD and studies abroad, and carry out active research in collaboration with national and foreign universities and research centers.

More about them here!
¡Harás parte de la universidad adecuada!

¡Harás parte de la universidad adecuada!



Gracias a los convenios nacionales e internacionales de la Universidad del Rosario, podrás tener la experiencia de cursar un semestre en cualquiera de los muchos destinos que la universidad tiene para ofrecerte.

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Trayectoria de la universidad

Trayectoria de la universidad

No solo somos el lugar ideal para que estudies tu pregrado, sino en general para ti; contamos con un gran prestigio a nivel nacional e internacional,estamos acreditados por nuestras fortalezas en materia de políticas, procesos académicos y administrativos de la más alta calidad.

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Vida UR y bienestar

Vida UR y bienestar

Al ingresar a la Universidad del Rosario podrás participar en actividades extracurriculares en las que tendrás contacto con estudiantes de otros programas, y además podrás representar a la universidad a nivel nacional e internacional.

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¿Dónde vas a estudiar?
Sede Urosario

Where are you going to study?

Claustro Campus

The MACC program is strategically located downtown in order to facilitate communication with all of our partners. However, all of our students can use the infrastructure and services at the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Campus and at the Quinta de Mutis campus.

Cl. 12c # 6 - 25